Georgetown Utilities & Customer Care

Berry Creek Interceptor FAQ

What is the Berry Creek Interceptor?

It is an underground non-pressurized wastewater line that provides organized wastewater service to a large area that includes current and future developments along the State Highway 195 and Ronald Reagan corridors. A detailed area or basin map is shown below.

How big, deep, and/or long will the wastewater line be?

The line sizes range from 36 inches to 48 inches in diameter. The line will buried at least 10 feet and as much as 50 feet underground depending on existing topography. In total, the entire line is approximately 7 miles. The portion of the line proposed to traverse the Berry Springs Park is approximately 8,000 linear feet.

During construction, how much of the Berry Spring Park will be disturbed by this wastewater line?

The City needs a 100-foot wide temporary construction easement. Initial construction will disturb the proposed easement areas as most of the wastewater line will be installed via open trench. Once completed, aside from manholes (which will be located at ground level) there will be no evidence of the wastewater line visible to the public.

Will Berry Springs be affected, interrupted, or contaminated by this wastewater line?

No. The flow of groundwater feeding Berry Springs comes from the south. The proposed wastewater line will be installed north of Berry Springs. Additionally, the wastewater line will be inspected during initial construction and periodically in perpetuity to ensure no leaks occur.

Will trees be removed to install this wastewater line?

Yes, some smaller trees will be removed. However, the proposed route through Berry Springs Park affects the fewest trees possible and avoids removing or damaging any large heritage trees.

Why does the wastewater line need to go through Berry Springs Park?

As with many other wastewater lines, this proposed wastewater line follows a creek, stream or river – in this case Berry Creek. Following the creek allows for the natural forces of gravity to transport the wastewater in the most efficient and safest manner possible to the treatment facility. The nearest facility is the existing Pecan Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant on FM 971, west of SH 130.

Have other alternatives been considered?

Yes. Extensively. The proposed route through Berry Springs Park is the most environmentally responsible route and presents the least risk to the Park. Other alternatives require the construction of lift stations that are susceptible to electrical or mechanical failure which could result in raw sewage discharged into Berry Springs. Other alternatives also conflict with sensitive environmental and geologic features, or bisect the documented flow of groundwater into Berry Springs Park.

Who is paying for this project?

The entire cost of the project will be funded by wastewater rate payers and development impact fees. No tax dollars will be spent on the project. No County dollars will be spent on the project.

Will Berry Springs Park be open to the public during construction?

Yes. Construction of the wastewater line will only temporarily close small sections where the line will be installed. Any open trenches would be properly secured with construction fencing and closed to the public, but large runs of open trenches will not occur.

How long will it take to construct?

If approved, the park will be disrupted for less than 6 months. Only small sections of line can be installed at one time. Construction will not occur across the full length of this project. Restoration of the park will be done as progress on the line is made.

When will construction occur?

If approved, the city’s goal would be to finish design this summer, bid the project in the fall, start construction in early-2020 and complete construction before in mid-2020.

Are there other wastewater lines through City or County Parks and along creeks/rivers/streams in our area?

Yes. In order to utilize gravity flow as much as possible, many wastewater lines follow creeks, rivers, streams and parkland, including San Gabriel Park.

Do you have a copy of the Dec. 11, 2018 presentation to the Williamson County Commissioner’s Court?

Yes. The presentation can be found here.

Do you have answers to the questions submitted during the Oct. 4, 2018 open house meeting?

Yes. The questions and answers can be found here.

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