Georgetown Utilities & Customer Care

Water Conservation

Helpful Links

Conservation Initiatives – Find out what the City of Georgetown Water Conservation Team is doing to educate the community.

Take the Water Conservation Pledge – Pledge to conserve water in your household and join other community members in preserving Georgetown water sources.

Rebates & Programs – Save money on you water bill by making simple changes around your home to conserve water

High Water Bill – Read more about factors that could cause a higher-than-usual water bill.

Water conservation and why it is important

Every year, Texas experiences record-high temperatures and drought conditions. Communities need to adopt water conservation principles, like growing native plants, and watering responsibly, to adapt our lawns and lifestyles to this reality. During the hotter months, 60 to 70 percent of our treated water goes toward outdoor water use — primarily lawn irrigation — leaving a quarter for our everyday uses. It is time to make our landscapes more water-friendly so we can conserve our available water.

The City of Georgetown worked with our area partners to compile this resource guide to help residents identify landscaping and irrigation practices and native species that can lead to beautiful, healthy, thriving lawns, even in the hottest months of our summers. The City offers rebates for some of these practices.

Indoor Conservation Tips

Learn how to conserve water inside your home with these recommended tips.

  • How to find leaks
  • How to conserve water inside my home

Love Your Local Lawn Learning Lab

Learn how to conserve water in your lawn and garden with these planting guides and tips for living through drought.

WaterSense Facts

The City of Georgetown Water Utility is a proud partner of WaterSense. Find more information at

Every day in the United States, 9 billion gallons of treated water go toward residential outdoor water use. This increases in the summer.

Homeowners use 30-60 percent of their water outdoors. About half of that is wasted due to inefficient watering methods, including over-watering.

Homes with automatic irrigation systems can use about 50 percent more water outdoors. Watering an average-sized lawn in the United States for 20 minutes, every day for seven days is equal to:

  • Running the shower constantly for four days.
  • Taking more than 800 showers.
  • The amount of water the average family needs to take one year’s worth of showers.

Forty out of 50 state water managers expect water shortages under average conditions in some portion of their states over the next decade, according to a 2014 Government Accountability Report.

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